MEDA maintains a network of Treatment Providers. MEDA partners with these eating disorder specialists to provide a wide variety of services and the best care possible to its clients. For more information please call MEDA, (617) 558-1881 or email Click here for tips on finding the best provider for you!
The information listed is the most current according to information given by the providers. We recommend consulting with a MEDA clinician before seeking treatment.
MEDA maintains a thriving professional member base of more than 175 treatment providers in the New England. Therapists, dietitians, physicians, and supportive specialists, such as yoga teachers and acupuncturists, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders apply to join our Preferred Treatment Provider Network. MEDA clinicians refer clients in the New England to the providers that best suit the client’s current need, location, and insurance coverage.

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Help Us Save More Lives
Every 52 min someone dies from complications due to an eating disorder and 28.8 million people in the US will struggle with an eating disorder.
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